Librarian Mentorship through Mutual Scholarship (Sep 30, 2022)

ACRL/NY Professional Development Committee invite you to a Fall 2022 program

Librarian Mentorship through Mutual Scholarship: An Approach to Foster Higher Morale and Strengthen Collegiality

Speaker: Kristen J. Nyitray, Director, Special Collections and University Archives, and University Archivist, Stony Brook University Libraries

Speaker: Dana Reijerkerk, Knowledge Management & Digital Assets Librarian, Stony Brook University Libraries

Program Details

The benefits of structured mentorships for increasing morale, productivity, and retention of academic librarians are well documented in research literature. Infrequently discussed are mentoring programs that integrate mutual scholarship as a strategy for fostering collegial relationships and positive morale. This presentation discusses a case of how a tenured and an untenured librarian developed a new mentoring framework guided by emotional intelligence (EI) competencies. A novel aspect of this mentor and mentee relationship is their commitment to a shared research and writing agenda. Collaborative scholarship has proven to be an adaptive coping mechanism to counterbalance nuanced toxic workplace experiences that cultivates a sense of validation. In addition to scholarly output, the partnership has forged mutual aid, trust, and greater confidence in the organization. Higher morale and stronger collegial relationships are motivating and positively influence feelings of career success. This case highlights the importance of mentoring and scholarly engagement as a form of mutual aid to enhance collegiality and boost morale in untenured faculty librarians.

This program is open to ACRL/NY and ACRL National members.

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