Developing Credit-Bearing Information Literacy Courses – 11/29/17

Professional Development Committee Presents Fall 2017 Program:

Developing Credit-Bearing Information Literacy Courses
WHEN: Wednesday Nov 29, 2017 From 9:45AM -NOON
WHERE: 199 Chambers Street, Borough of Manhattan Community College Library
S410M – Smart Classroom at 4th Floor (Attendees will need to bring their CUNY or State ID to enter the building)
PROGRAM MODERATOR: Dr. Kanu Nagra, Borough of Manhattan Community College

Program Details
Being Seen: Moving Beyond the Library to Mix, Connect, and Promote
-Charles Keyes and Alexandra Rojas

a�?What do you actually do?a�? is a question that librarians hear frequently from colleagues in other departments. Historically as the gate keepers behind the scene the core work of librarians has often been invisible. In an information paradigm where everyone can be their own gate keeper the role and even necessity of librarians may seem puzzling to non-library faculty. However with the shear abundance of information and the development of the ACRL information literacy standards, and the later framework, have provided library faculty ample opportunities to assist non-library faculty as they wrestle with the poor quality of student research skills. The presenters will talk about the experiences of LaGuardiaa��s library faculty to become more essential to the curriculum and how these experiences can be shaped into best practices any academic library can use.

Charles Keyes is the Instructional Services Librarian at LaGuardia Community College. An experienced ESL/EFL teacher, he has taught in high schools, colleges, and the corporate sector. At LaGuardia he has taught credit library courses and courses in the Communication Studies program. He was co-facilitator, for three years, of LaGuardia’s Center for Teaching and Learning’s Building Information Literacy in the Disciplines faculty seminar. Along with Elizabeth Namei, he co-authored “Nemawashi: Integrating the Credit Information Literacy Course into a Community College Curriculum”, which appears as a chapter in the book Best Practices for Credit-Bearing Information Literacy Courses, an ACRL publication.
Alexandra Rojas, Assistant Professor, is the Coordinator of Reference at LaGuardia Community College, (CUNY) in Long Island City, New York. She is the Chair of the Academic Standing Committee. She has taught the three-credit LRC 102, “Information Strategies” and the one-credit LRC 103 “Internet Research Strategies” offered by the Library.

Advocating for Credit Bearing Information Literacy Courses: Reflections and Lessons Learned -Mark Aaron Polger

Mark will discuss how the library department at the College of Staten Island, CUNY proposed a 1 credit elective Information Literacy course (LIB 102: Beyond Google). He will discuss the proposal stages and bring examples of syllabi, the proposal form, and sample learning outcomes. Developed almost 4 years ago, the Library department now offers 6 sections per semester (2 hybrid, 4 in-person) and they are so popular, students need to request permission to be added to these closed classes. Mark will also discuss how they diversified sections for 1st year and 2nd year students. They also plan to develop themed sections to target studentsa�� major.

Mark Aaron Polger is First Year Outreach Librarian at the College of Staten Island, CUNY. His responsibilities include promoting library services and resources to first year students, providing library tours, and coordinating the librarya��s role in New Student Orientation. He also teaches LIB 102 (Beyond Google), the Information Literacy course in the department and coordinates Library Workshops for First Year Students. His research interests include library marketing, outreach, and user experience design. He is most interested in how users interact with the library, its services, the web site, signage, and promotional materials. He has written on topics ranging from library marketing strategies, faculty outreach, library signage, and student engagement. He is currently a second year PhD student at SUNY University at Buffalo where he is conducting research about the relationships between librarians and faculty and their perceptions of Information Literacy. Mark is originally from Montreal, Canada, and moved to New York City in 2008.

Panel Discussion a�� Moderator: Dr. Kanu Nagra
Light refreshments will be served during the event!
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For further information and questions: Contact Dr. Kanu Nagra, Chair ACRL/NY PDC

Dr. Kanu A. Nagra
Associate Professor
Borough of Manhattan Community College, CUNY
199 Chambers Street, New York, NY 10007
Phone : 212-220-8000 x 7487