Meeting of the ACRL/NY Graduate Services Discussion Group: June 8, 2018

Please join the Graduate Services Discussion Group of ACRL-NY on June 8th, 2018 from 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the Mercy College Campus in Manhattan, room 723. We will be discussing:

Meeting students’ information needs in different phases of the graduate lifecycle. How can we enhance our approach?

We will also be discussing the following topics:What graduate outreach services are offered at your library?

  1. What graduate outreach services are offered at your library?
  2. How does your library coordinate and evaluate graduate outreach programming?
  3. What is your elevator pitch and/or approaches to marketing graduate outreach?
  4. Do you offer graduate workshops? If so, what topics and formats are offered (f2f or online)?
  5. What are two (or more) best practices your recommend to support/promote graduate outreach

Light refreshments will be served.  Please contact Daniel A. Sabol – ACRL-NY Chair of the Graduate Services Committee at if you will be attending this event. 

Please keep in mind that discussion group meetings are a benefit of ACRL/NY membership.  Any non-members must join before attending.  You may use the provided link to join: [] 

Please also note that all ACRL/NY events are governed by the ACRL/NY Code of Conduct [].